Sun's rotating 'magnet' pulls lightning towards UK

( —The Sun may be playing a part in the generation of lightning strikes on Earth by temporarily 'bending' the Earth's magnetic field and allowing a shower of energetic particles to enter the upper atmosphere.

Foxconn workers strike at China factory

Taiwan's technology giant Foxconn on Thursday confirmed that about 1,000 workers went on strike at its factory in western China a day earlier, following a report that they were demanding higher pay.

NASA image: Smoke wafts over the Selway Valley in Idaho

Smoke from the fires in the Selway Complex is wafting into the Selway River valley in this image taken by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aboard the Terra satellite on September 15, 2014.

NASA image: Selway complex and Johnson Bar fires in Idaho

Two fires are seen burning in this satellite image taken by the Aqua satellite on September 11, 2014. The Selway complex of fires had been previously reported located 30 miles west of Darby, MT. It appears a new fire may ...

NASA image: Happy Camp Fire in California and 790 Fire in Oregon

The 790 Fire in Oregon began as a lightning strike on July 31, 2014. Over 3,000 acres have been affected by this fire which is 54% contained. In the next 12 to 48 hours there is a potential risk to Sky Lakes Wilderness and ...

NASA image: Happy Camper and July Fire Complexes in California

The Happy Camp Complex of fires began as a lightning strike on August 12, 2014. Currently the fire has consumed 22,670 acres and is 20% contained. There are close to 2,000 personnel working on this fire at present. It consists ...

NASA image: Fires in Northern Washington State

The Pacific Northwest has been inundated with wildfires most stemming from lightning strikes during summer storms. Four of these wildfires can be seen in this natural-color Aqua satellite image collected by the Moderate Resolution ...

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