Search and rescue dogs do their jobs despite travel stress

When disaster strikes, you want the very best tools, functioning at their peak. In the case of catastrophic earthquakes, tornadoes, or even bombings in war zones, those tools are search and rescue dogs. But researchers have ...

Optimism beats workplace cyberbullies

Workers who see the 'glass-half-full' rather than half-empty, can cope better with the stress of cyberbullying in the workplace.

Job seekers with 'learning' attitude have more success

Many New Year's resolutions often involve finding a different career path. A new joint study by University of Missouri and Lehigh University researchers found that job seekers with attitudes focused on "learning" from the ...

Benefits of taking Fido to work may not be far 'fetched'

Man's best friend may make a positive difference in the workplace by reducing stress and making the job more satisfying for other employees, according to a Virginia Commonwealth University study.

Do creative work activities create stress?

The demands associated with creative work activities pose key challenges for workers, according to new research out of the University of Toronto that describes the stress associated with some aspects of work and its impact ...

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