Researchers measure the link between unemployment and crime

Massive layoffs in times of crisis can lead to a surge in crime, according to a study by Diogo Britto, Paolo Pinotti (both at Bocconi Baffi-CAREFIN's CLEAN center), and Breno Sampaio (Federal University of Pernambuco) published ...

Job seekers with 'learning' attitude have more success

Many New Year's resolutions often involve finding a different career path. A new joint study by University of Missouri and Lehigh University researchers found that job seekers with attitudes focused on "learning" from the ...

Bad jobs: Why they make some women bad moms

( -- The kind of job a woman has may be just as important as whether she works or not when it comes to the well-being of her child.

Search and rescue dogs do their jobs despite travel stress

When disaster strikes, you want the very best tools, functioning at their peak. In the case of catastrophic earthquakes, tornadoes, or even bombings in war zones, those tools are search and rescue dogs. But researchers have ...

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