Improving crop yields in a world of extreme weather events

Farmers in the United States witnessed record-breaking extremes in temperature and drought during the last two summers, causing worldwide increases in the costs of food, feed and fiber. Indeed, many climate scientists caution ...

Insights into deadly coral bleaching could help preserve reefs

Coral reefs are stressed the world over and could be in mortal danger because of climate change. But why do some corals die and others not, even when exposed to the same environmental conditions? An interdisciplinary research ...

Researchers measure cavitation noise in trees

( —A team of researchers from Grenoble University in France has found that under experimental conditions, roughly half of the noise created by drying wood is due to cavitation. The team made this discovery while ...

Early warning signs of population collapse

Many factors—including climate change, overfishing or loss of food supply—can push a wild animal population to the brink of collapse. Ecologists have long sought ways to measure the risk of such a collapse, which could ...

Extreme work clothes for the Artic

Roughnecks working on oil and gas installations in the Arctic need clothes that monitor the health. Research scientists at SINTEF are developing a jacket with built-in sensors. It will monitor both body temperature and workers' ...

Understanding the historical probability of drought

Droughts can severely limit crop growth, causing yearly losses of around $8 billion in the United States. But it may be possible to minimize those losses if farmers can synchronize the growth of crops with periods of time ...

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