How malaria parasites withstand a fever's heat

Even when a person suffering from malaria is burning up with fever and too sick to function, the tiny blood-eating parasites lurking inside them continue to flourish, relentlessly growing and multiplying as they gobble up ...

A rainbow of force-activated pigments for identifying stress

Stress isn't just the psychological pressure you feel in response to a looming deadline at work. It is also a description of the physical forces pushing, pulling, or twisting an object, structure, or material. Examples of ...

New skills of graphene: Tunable lattice vibrations

Without electronics and photonics, there would be no computers, smartphones, sensors, or information and communication technologies. In the coming years, the new field of phononics may further expand these options. That field ...

What is racial battle fatigue? A school psychologist explains

When William A. Smith, a scholar of education and culture, introduced the term "racial battle fatigue" in 2003, he used it to describe the cumulative effects of racial hostility that Black people—specifically faculty and ...

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