Deforestation is stressing mammals out

Lots of us are feeling pretty anxious about the destruction of the natural world. It turns out, humans aren't the only ones stressing out—by analyzing hormones that accumulate in fur, researchers found that rodents and ...

On Hawaii's Kilauea, little stresses add up

Hawaii's Kilauea volcano is one of the most active in the world. Its eruption in 2018 was its largest in 200 years and among the costliest volcanic disasters in U.S. history. Devastating as it was to the Hawaiian landscape, ...

Heat stress to bring big changes to the US corn belt

Climate change will bring new challenges for farmers as growing zones shift, and preparing for these shifts is vital for future food security worldwide. New research from UConn Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering ...

Mountain vegetation dries out Alpine water fluxes

ETH researchers confirm the paradox: rather than withering during droughts, plants at higher elevations absolutely thrive, as a study just published in the journal Nature Climate Change shows.

Artificial muscle fibers could serve as cell scaffolds

In two new studies, North Carolina State University researchers have designed and tested a series of textile fibers that can change shape and generate force like a muscle. In the first study, published in Actuators, the researchers ...

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