New understanding of how plants respond to environmental stresses

Researchers from the Spanish National Research Council have uncovered a family of proteins that play a vital role in coordinating the cellular response of plants to various environmental stresses, in particular drought and ...

Cell's protein-making machines shift modes under stress

Similar to a hybrid car that switches from gas to electric as it drives on major highways and secondary roads, Cornell researchers have discovered that the cell's protein-making machinery, called ribosomes, exists in a hybrid ...

Protein determines life or death fate of stressed cells

Researchers discovered a new protein involved in the process that determines the fate of cells under stress and whether they fight to survive or sacrifice themselves for the greater good.

Jumping genes have essential biological functions

"Alu" sequences are small repetitive elements representing about 10% of our genome. Because of their ability to move around the genome, these "jumping genes" are considered as real motors of evolution. However, they were ...

Researchers identify new mechanism to aid cells under stress

A team of biologists from NYU and Harvard has identified new details in a cellular mechanism that serves as a defense against stress. The findings potentially offer insights into tumor progression and neurodegenerative diseases, ...

Researchers discover protein protecting against chlorine

Chlorine is a common disinfectant that is used to kill bacteria, for example in swimming pools and drinking water supplies. Our immune system also produces chlorine, which causes proteins in bacteria to lose their natural ...

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