Assessing stress in trucked sheep

A new way of measuring the stress levels of sheep during road transport, was discussed at the Australian Veterinary Association's Annual Conference this week.

The ups and downs of getting grumpy bears to have sex

There is nothing intrinsic to pandas that makes them bad at breeding. It is true that they only have one menstrual cycle each year, but this is true of many creatures. Animals that have multiple cycles per year, such as humans, ...

A novel mechanism for fast regulation of gene expression

Our genome, we are taught, operates by sending instructions for the manufacture of proteins from DNA in the nucleus of the cell to the protein-synthesizing machinery in the cytoplasm. These instructions are conveyed by a ...

Sheep wool growth boosted by reducing cortisol

University of Adelaide researchers have shown that sheep wool growth can be significantly boosted by manipulating the stress hormone, cortisol, in their pregnant mothers.

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