A one-of-a-kind star found to change over decades

Astronomers studying the unique binary star system AR Scorpii have discovered the brightness of the system has changed over the past decade. The new evidence lends support to an existing theory of how the unusual star emits ...

Breakthrough in sensing at the nanoscale

Researchers have made a breakthrough discovery in identifying the world's most sensitive nanoparticle and measuring it from a distance using light. These super-bright, photostable and background-free nanocrystals enable a ...

Fatal flaw uncovered in green pigmented concrete

As Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University researchers completed their research on colored architectural concrete, they found a surprising result—green pigmented cement had impurities that produced porous, poor quality concrete. ...

Unbreakable glass inspired by seashells

Scientists from McGill University develop stronger and tougher glass, inspired by the inner layer of mollusk shells. Instead of shattering upon impact, the new material has the resiliency of plastic and could be used to improve ...

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