Facebook to allow further music integration (Update)

Facebook is preparing to bolster the programming tools it offers to licensed music services like Rhapsody, Spotify, MOG and Rdio to make it easier for users of the social network to find out what songs their friends are digging.

Helping developers create smarter online music-streaming services

If you ever use Spotify, or a similar music-streaming service, there's a good chance your song recommendations, and other personalized features, are powered by novel technology developed and marketed by two MIT alumni entrepreneurs.

Microsoft touts Xbox One as all-in-one entertainment (Update 4)

Microsoft thinks it has the one. The company unveiled the Xbox One, an entertainment console that wants to be the one system households will need for games, television, movies and other entertainment. It will go on sale later ...

Review: Google's Chromecast is tops for inexpensive streaming

When it debuted two years ago, Google's Chromecast shook up the market for digital streaming devices. The company is hoping now to build on that success, releasing a new and improved version of the Chromecast.

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