Tree rings reveal nightmare droughts in the West

If you think the 1930s drought that caused The Dust Bowl was rough, new research looking at tree rings in the Rocky Mountains has news for you: Things can get much worse in the West.

Improving flood predictions in developing nations

(—When deadly floodwaters devastated Pakistan in early September, Georgia Institute of Technology Professor Peter Webster and Research Associate Kristofer Shrestha weren't surprised. They had forecasted the disaster ...

Forests can help manage water amid development, climate change

In areas near Raleigh projected to see heavier future development, keeping buffers of trees or other greenery around waterways could help slow rushing streams during wet conditions, and keep them flowing during dry ones. ...

The travails of an alewife: Dams, drought, and climate change

River herring once swam up Connecticut's streams to reproduce by the billion, and then reverse their journey back to sea. In recent years, though, their migration has become increasingly perilous, and their numbers have plummeted. ...

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