Archer strawberry, hits the sweet spot

Strawberry fans, rejoice. The newest Cornell strawberry variety concentrates intense flavor in a berry big enough to fill the palm of your hand.

Scientists unravel genetic ancestry of cultivated strawberry

Scientists from the University of New Hampshire have unlocked a major genetic mystery of one of the ancestors of cultivated strawberry. A genetic analysis conducted by New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station researchers, ...

Why do strawberries have their seeds on the outside?

"Why do strawberries have their seeds on the outside, instead of on the inside?" That was the question one of my daughters asked recently. I had no idea, so I reached out to Chris Gunter, an associate professor of horticultural ...

How to prevent the Xanthomonas bacterium from spreading

Growers of strawberries and strawberry planting material are terrified of the quarantine organism Xanthomonas fragariae. If the bacterium is found, the affected parcel of land has to be partially or even fully cleared. Commissioned ...

Video: Can we save the strawberries?

Strawberries are sweet, juicy and delightful. Unfortunately, an expiring federal pesticide exemption could mean 2016 will be the end of strawberries in the U.S. How can we protect our strawberries from pests and comply with ...

Why do strawberries taste so good?

Each year, spectators at the Wimbledon tennis tournament get through a whopping 30 tons of strawberries in the course of a summer fortnight. It is no wonder that the association between Wimbledon and strawberries is such ...

How do we combat strawberry crop pathogens?

A microscopic fungus that kills up to one million strawberry plants each year in WA strawberry farms is the focus of research which aims to eliminate the need for chemical fungicides in crops.

How to make strawberries sweeter without adding calories

Strawberries and cream are symbolic of Wimbledon and appreciated worldwide for their oh-so-sweet flavour. Researchers at the University of Florida, including myself, studied more than 30 varieties of strawberries and found ...

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