UN hails 25-year ozone treaty for preventing disaster

The United Nations treaty to protect the ozone layer signed nearly 25 years ago prevented an environmental disaster, a chief UN scientist said Friday, cautioning though that the Earth's radiation shield is still under threat.

Superconducting submillimeter-wave limb-emission sounder (SMILES)

The Superconducting Submillimeter-Wave Limb-Emission Sounder (SMILES) is the first onboard mechanically cooled superconducting mixer and high-resolution system for measuring atmospheric minor constituents related to stratospheric ...

Low temperatures enhance ozone degradation above the Arctic

Extraordinarily cold temperatures in the winter of 2010/2011 caused the most massive destruction of the ozone layer above the Arctic so far: The mechanisms leading to the first ozone hole above the North Pole were studied ...

Astrophysics and extinctions: News about planet-threatening events

Space is a violent place. If a star explodes or black holes collide anywhere in our part of the Milky Way, they'd give off colossal blasts of lethal gamma-rays, X-rays and cosmic rays and it's perfectly reasonable to expect ...

Ozone layer faces record 40 pct loss over Arctic

(AP) -- The protective ozone layer in the Arctic that keeps out the sun's most damaging rays - ultraviolet radiation - has thinned about 40 percent this winter, a record drop, the U.N. weather agency said Tuesday.

Ozone hole reduces atmospheric CO2 uptake in the Southern Ocean

Does ozone have an impact on the ocean's role as a "carbon sink"? Yes, according to researchers from France. Using original simulations, they have demonstrated that the hole in the ozone layer reduces atmospheric carbon uptake ...

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