Copper-based chemicals may be contributing to ozone depletion

Copper released into the environment from fungicides, brake pads, antifouling paints on boats and other sources may be contributing significantly to stratospheric ozone depletion, according to a new study from the University ...

UN hails 25-year ozone treaty for preventing disaster

The United Nations treaty to protect the ozone layer signed nearly 25 years ago prevented an environmental disaster, a chief UN scientist said Friday, cautioning though that the Earth's radiation shield is still under threat.

Global warming may delay recovery of stratospheric ozone

Increasing greenhouse gases could delay, or even postpone indefinitely the recovery of stratospheric ozone in some regions of the Earth, a new study suggests. This change might take a toll on public health.

After Five Years, NASA's Aura Shines Brightly

( -- On July 15, 2004, NASA's Aura spacecraft launched from California's Vandenberg Air Force Base on a mission to study Earth's ozone layer, air quality and climate. Aura's data are helping scientists address ...

Strong ozone depletion above the arctic possible

This winter, the Arctic stratosphere so far has been unusually cold. Hence, all prerequisites are given for strong ozone depletion in the next weeks. This conclusion is based on first results of the POLSTRACC measurement ...

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