Team solves mystery associated with DNA repair

Every time a human or bacterial cell divides it first must copy its DNA. Specialized proteins unzip the intertwined DNA strands while others follow and build new strands, using the originals as templates. Whenever these proteins ...

Bioengineers introduce "Bi-Fi": The biological Internet

(—If you were a bacterium, the virus M13 might seem innocuous enough. It insinuates more than it invades, setting up shop like a freeloading houseguest, not a killer. Once inside it makes itself at home, eating ...

A new approach to amplifying DNA

Analyzing DNA is useful for a number of vital applications. This includes diagnosis and monitoring of diseases, identification of criminals, and studying the function of a targeted segment of DNA. However, methods used for ...

A layered nanostructure held together by DNA

( —Dreaming up nanostructures that have desirable optical, electronic, or magnetic properties is one thing. Figuring out how to make them is another. A new strategy uses the binding properties of complementary ...

Using golden DNA strands to close electric circuits in biosensors

By letting DNA strands grow together with gold, scientists at Uppsala Berzelii Centre for Neurodiagnostics and Science for Life Laboratory have developed a brand new concept for super sensitive diagnostics of different diseases. ...

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