When it rains, it pours—the effects of stormwater runoff

The lovely smell that follows a spring rain as you sit on your porch and enjoy the sound of drips pattering on the lawn is so loved that it has earned the distinct honor of its own word: "petrichor." Somewhat less romantic ...

Save stormwater at home with a veggie raingarden

After a storm, millions of litres of water wash off our roofs and roads into stormwater drains. This causes large flows of stormwater into local waterways, damaging these ecosystems.

One way to promote green infrastructure in your city

Natural assets – "green infrastructure" – can provide communities with invaluable ecosystem services that clean our air, filter our water, mitigate natural disasters and improve our quality of life.

Simple soil mixture reverses toxic stormwater effects

A simple column of common soil can reverse the toxic effects of urban runoff that otherwise quickly kills young coho salmon and their insect prey, according to new research by Washington State University, NOAA Fisheries and ...

Filter bed substrates, plant types recommended for rain gardens

Urban stormwater runoff is causing problems for the world's water sources. In the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency found stormwater runoff to be one of the top 10 causes of compromised environments in rivers, ...

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