How to plant a garden on Mars—with a robot

In the last century humanity has taken gigantic leaps forward in the robotic exploration of the cosmos—not least in the search for habitable worlds and environments that could house life outside of the Earth. The next logical ...

GrayQb: A new tool for radioactive contamination mapping

Nuclear facilities in the midst of cleanup due to normal routine or unexpected incident face a remarkable challenge – how to safely determine the exact location of radioactive contamination. Such determinations are typically ...

Dust from Africa affects snowfall in California

One of the driest spots on Earth—the Sahara desert—is increasingly responsible for snow and rain half a world away in the western U.S., a new study released Thursday found.

3Qs: How cities prepare for the next Sandy

Sev­eral weeks after Hur­ri­cane Sandy made land­fall on the East Coast, the dev­as­ta­tion is still being felt—par­tic­u­larly in hard-​​hit sec­tions of New York and New Jersey. The storm has also raised ...

California is home to extreme weather, too

California isn't going to face a superstorm like Hurricane Sandy because the Pacific Ocean is too cold to feed that kind of weather system.

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