Could global warming change tornado season, too?

With the planet heating up, many scientists seem fairly certain some weather elements like hurricanes and droughts will worsen. But tornadoes have them stumped.

Two NASA satellites see Tropical Storm Andres intensify

The first tropical depression of the eastern Pacific Ocean hurricane season strengthened into tropical storm Andres. NASA's Aqua and Global Precipitation Measurement mission core satellite both provided information showing ...

Experts predict quieter Atlantic hurricane season

Weather experts on Wednesday reduced the number of projected hurricanes in the north Atlantic this season to four, two of them major hurricanes with winds above 178 kilometers (111 miles) per hour.

Hurricane records broken in 2017

Not even halfway into the 2017 hurricane season, and before Irma makes landfall in Florida, tropical mega-storms in the Atlantic basin have already broken several records, and challenged others, experts say.

NASA sees Tropical Storm Rosa being born and powering up quickly

The seventeenth tropical depression of the eastern Pacific Ocean hurricane season formed early on October 30 and quickly strengthened into Tropical Storm Rosa. Infrared data from NASA's Aqua satellite revealed strong convection ...

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