Cost of climate-linked disasters soars: UN

The economic cost of climate-related disasters hit $2.25 trillion over the last two decades, an increase of more than 250 percent compared to the previous 20 years, the UN said Wednesday.

NOAA's GOES-16 ready to improve forecasts even more

Now in its new GOES-East position, the advanced GOES-16 satellite has officially joined NOAA's operational observation network, providing forecasters with sharper, more defined images of severe storms, hurricanes, wildfires ...

Image: DSCOVR on the launch pad

This photo shows the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket set to launch NOAA's Deep Space Climate Observatory spacecraft, or DSCOVR, at the Space Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida.

Climate change altering insurers' risk assessment

Climate change is creating more frequent and more unpredictable extreme weather events, forcing insurers to change how they assess the risk of natural disasters hitting a specific area, the Geneva Association think tank said ...

Poor countries demand action at UN climate talks (Update)

(AP)—As disputes intensify at the already-bogged down United Nations climate negotiations, the Philippines on Thursday called for urgent action to halt global warming, citing its own experience with a deadly typhoon as ...

3Qs: How cities prepare for the next Sandy

Sev­eral weeks after Hur­ri­cane Sandy made land­fall on the East Coast, the dev­as­ta­tion is still being felt—par­tic­u­larly in hard-​​hit sec­tions of New York and New Jersey. The storm has also raised ...

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