Freshwater coastal erosion alters global carbon budget

Shoreline erosion can transform freshwater wetlands from carbon-storage pools to carbon sources, according to a new study led by Illinois State Geological Survey researchers. Wave action and high water levels sweep away soils ...

What makes Cyclone Freddy an exceptional storm

Cyclone Freddy, which has twice smashed into the African coast after traversing the Indian Ocean, may be enshrined in the history books as the longest ever documented, meteorologists say.

Large sponges may be reattached to coral reefs

April 27, 2009 - A new study appearing in Restoration Ecology describes a novel technique for reattaching large sponges that have been dislodged from coral reefs. The findings could be generally applied to the restoration ...

NOAA's GOES-16 ready to improve forecasts even more

Now in its new GOES-East position, the advanced GOES-16 satellite has officially joined NOAA's operational observation network, providing forecasters with sharper, more defined images of severe storms, hurricanes, wildfires ...

Bleak future for Bay area tidal marshes?

A new study, led by PRBO Conservation Science (PRBO), projects a bleak future for San Francisco Bay's tidal marshes under high-end sea-level rise scenarios that are increasingly likely. PRBO and colleagues found that in the ...

Measurements help defend grid against space weather

Since the invention of the telescope four centuries ago, astronomers have become more aware of the active nature of the Sun, and how events on its surface can affect the Earth. One of the most dramatic of these is 'space ...

Monitoring Solar Activity with SDO

At times, the sun erupts, hurling a magnetic superheated cloud of gas toward Earth. Racing at thousands of miles per second, and hundreds of times bigger than the sun, this cloud of solar particles can cause a magnetic storm ...

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