3Qs: How cities prepare for the next Sandy

Sev­eral weeks after Hur­ri­cane Sandy made land­fall on the East Coast, the dev­as­ta­tion is still being felt—par­tic­u­larly in hard-​​hit sec­tions of New York and New Jersey. The storm has also raised ...

IBEX and TWINS join forces to observe a solar storm

(Phys.org) -- On April 5, 2010, the sun spewed a two million-mile-per-hour stream of charged particles toward the invisible magnetic fields surrounding Earth, known as the magnetosphere. As the particles interacted with the ...

Bleak future for Bay area tidal marshes?

A new study, led by PRBO Conservation Science (PRBO), projects a bleak future for San Francisco Bay's tidal marshes under high-end sea-level rise scenarios that are increasingly likely. PRBO and colleagues found that in the ...

Climate: which nations, cities most at risk?

A third of humanity, mostly in Africa and South Asia, face the biggest risks from climate change but rich nations in northern Europe will be least exposed, according to a report released Wednesday.

Tempest-from-hell seen on Saturn

(PhysOrg.com) -- Scientists analyzing data from NASA's Cassini spacecraft now have the first-ever, up-close details of a Saturn storm that is eight times the surface area of Earth.

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