Toward an ultrahigh energy density capacitor

Capacitors that rapidly store and release electric energy are key components in modern electronics and power systems. However, the most commonly used ones have low energy densities compared to other storage systems like batteries ...

Montana energy storage project lines up financial partner

Construction on a $1 billion energy storage system in central Montana could start as soon as next year after its sponsors said Friday they reached a financing agreement with a Danish firm that invests in renewable energy.

Dynamic energy management system for SMBs

Solar power, wind power and the lot – the growing use of renewable energy sources is resulting in substantial fluctuations in energy production. Fraunhofer researchers have now made it possible to design industrial processes ...

The dollars and sense of big batteries on the grid

As the mix of energy sources feeding power-hungry homes, businesses and industry comes to incorporate more renewables like wind and solar, society faces a reckoning with where to turn when wind and sunshine die down. What ...

Large Hadron Collider pushing computing to the limits

At the end of 2018, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) completed its second multi-year run ("Run 2") that saw the machine reach a proton–proton collision energy of 13 TeV, the highest ever reached by a particle accelerator. ...

Newly discovered design rules lead to better fuel cell catalyst

To create better batteries and fuel cells, scientists must make oxygen molecules gain and lose electrons efficiently. The reactions are frustratingly sluggish. Speeding the reactions requires heat and platinum, which are ...

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