James' bond: A graphene / nanotube hybrid

(Phys.org)—A seamless graphene/nanotube hybrid created at Rice University may be the best electrode interface material possible for many energy storage and electronics applications.

Researchers create 'nanoflowers' for energy storage, solar cells

(Phys.org)—Researchers from North Carolina State University have created flower-like structures out of germanium sulfide (GeS) – a semiconductor material – that have extremely thin petals with an enormous surface area. ...

Tennessee's urban forests valued in the billions

Tennessee's urban forests, currently valued at about $80 billion, also provide almost $650 million in benefits such as carbon storage, pollution removal, and energy reduction according to a new U.S. Forest Service report.

Plants in cities are an underestimated carbon store

Vegetation in towns and cities can make a significant contribution to carbon storage and, ecologists say, could lock away even more carbon if local authorities and gardeners planted and maintained more trees. The study, published ...

Journey to the center of the Amazon

The Amazon Rainforest is the largest tropical rainforest on Earth and home to millions of species. Yet, deforestation, or the clearing of forested areas, poses a threat to the livelihood of the forest.

Obama panel urges US backing for clean coal

A task force to President Barack Obama called Thursday for a strong government role to promote clean coal, potentially accepting liability over carbon storage sites for thousands of years to come.

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