Skimming stones? Try a heavier, curvier rock, scientists say

Want to make an impression the next time you're trying to skim a stone off water? Ignore the usual thin, flat candidates and try a fatter, curvier rock to get the biggest possible bounce, scientists said Wednesday.

Tiny flakes tell a story of tool use 300,000 years ago

When prehistoric people re-sharpened cutting tools 300,000 years ago, they dropped tiny chips of flint—which today yield evidence of how wood was processed by early humans. The small flint flakes were discovered at the ...

Stone spheres could be from Ancient Greek board game

Archaeologists from the University of Bristol have suggested that mysterious stone spheres found at various ancient settlements across the Aegean and Mediterranean could be playing pieces from one of the earliest ever board ...

Wind drives geology on Mars these days

A new paper based on exploration by the NASA's Curiosity Mars rover—and reviewed by an astronaut while she was on the International Space Station (ISS), in what may be a first for peer-reviewed science literature—describes ...

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