Stock markets in the time of COVID

Researchers in India have analyzed financial data from the quarter immediately before the first public reports of the emergence of a new potentially lethal coronavirus, now identified as SARS-CoV-2, the cause of COVID-19. ...

Billionaires' riches reach record highs during pandemic

The wealth of the world's billionaires reached record heights this year despite the global coronavirus crisis, led by tech, health and industry "innovators and disruptors" like Elon Musk, said a report published Wednesday.

Politics driving personal economic decisions amid COVID-19

In a normal election year, politics are often driven by economics. But as COVID-19 spurred record job losses and stock market sell-offs, Tony Cookson—an associate professor at CU Boulder's Leeds School of Business—and ...

Why restarting the global economy won't be easy

As the world contemplates ending a massive lockdown implemented in response to COVID-19, Vinod Singhal is considering what will happen when we hit the play button and the engines that drive industry and trade squeal back ...

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