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Steve Jobs a product wizard: Wozniak

Steve Wozniak on Thursday praised fellow Apple co-founder Steve Jobs as a technology genius who blessed the world with amazing gadgets.

Apple's magic enthralls Main Street., Wall Street

(AP) -- It's easy to forget now, but Apple's magnetism was once confined to a cult-like following of geeks seduced by the elegance and simplicity of the company's computers.

Key dates in Apple history

The following are key dates in the history of Apple, whose ailing co-founder Steve Jobs resigned as CEO on Wednesday:

Cyber warriors gather as online battles rage

US national security leaders and top cyber warriors from around the world are gathering here to plot defenses against criminals and spies that increasingly plague the Internet.

Prius problems put spotlight on car electronics

(AP) -- Your most expensive piece of electronics probably is not your flat panel TV or your computer. More likely, it's your car, which can pack 50 microprocessors to control everything from the fuel mix to the rearview ...

Anticipation builds ahead of Apple event

A frenzied rumor mill worked overtime in anticipation of Apple's latest media event Wednesday with Beatles on iTunes, a tablet computer, an appearance by Steve Jobs, all mooted as stars of the show.

Jobs sounds 'healthy, energetic': Apple co-founder

Apple chief executive Steve Jobs sounds healthy, a month before his scheduled return from a medical leave of absence, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak was quoted as saying on Wednesday.

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