Mysterious neutrinos take the stage at SLAC

Of all known fundamental particles, neutrinos may be the most mysterious: Although they are highly abundant in the universe and were discovered experimentally in 1956, researchers still have a lot left to learn about them. ...

Different tools to deal with medfly pest

Research has revealed a management technique involving sterilising the Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata) is a more cost effective alternative of eradicating the pest in the face of a looming pesticide ban.

Top scientific breakthrough opens door to understanding universe

Physicists at Virginia Tech, as part of a collaboration with U.S. and Chinese researchers, took part in one of 2012's top scientific breakthroughs according to Science magazine. It's a breakthrough that could have a significant ...

Advance promises to expand biological control of crop pests

A new discovery promises to allow expanded use of a mainstay biological pest control method, which avoids the health, environmental and pest-resistance concerns of traditional insecticides, scientists are reporting. The advance ...

Hunting for high life: What lives in Earth's stratosphere?

What lives at the edge of space? Other than high-flying jet aircraft pilots (and the occasional daredevil skydiver) you wouldn't expect to find many living things over 10 kilometers up—yet this is exactly where one NASA ...

New component of a plant steroid-activated pathway discovered

Plant biologists have been working for years to nail down the series of chemical signals that one class of plant hormones, called brassinosteroids, send from a protein on the surface of a plant cell to the cell's nucleus. ...

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