Solid start in the quest for an elusive particle

A collaboration of Belgian, French and British scientists, including researchers from Imperial College London, have developed a technology to detect a new kind of elementary particle: the sterile neutrino. The new detector ...

Gene triggers male sterility in tomato plants

Despite its culinary versatility, the humble tomato isn't known for being mysterious. But there's still plenty to learn: researchers from Japan have discovered the gene underlying male sterility in these plants.

New strategies against mosquitoes and other pests

South America is fighting a battle against tiger mosquitoes that transmit yellow fever, dengue fever and the Zika virus. In Central Europe, wine and fruit growers fear another year of massive crop failures due to a type of ...

Forced sterilizations of Indigenous women: One more act of genocide

Last fall, a group of Indigenous women in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan brought a class-action suit against the Saskatoon Health Authority. They also sued the provincial and federal governments and some medical professionals.

Microbe detective seeks out germs

Microorganisms are everywhere and most of them are harmless, but they can do a lot of damage in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals or in tissue transplants. With the aid of a new device, germs can be detected in artificial ...

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