Rare primate's vocal lip-smacks share features of human speech

The vocal lip-smacks that geladas use in friendly encounters have surprising similarities to human speech, according to a study reported in the Cell Press journal Current Biology on April 8th. The geladas, which live only ...

Cuckoos evolve to fool angry birds

(PhysOrg.com) -- Australian cuckoo birds have taken a new evolutionary step – mimicking the color of their host young to avoid certain death, according to a study by researchers from The Australian National University.

Picture this: Digital album puts focus on kids' health

(PhysOrg.com) -- Modern moms and dads snap thousands of photos, recording every drooling smile and flailing attempt to crawl. Until now, this frenzy of activity could be one more thing distracting parents from monitoring ...

Small steps can improve your health and wealth

(PhysOrg.com) -- Just as a team can achieve more than an individual, so can resolutions to improve your health and to improve your finances reinforce each other, say Montana State University Extension specialists.

Phonics and why it is used to teach reading

Victoria has just announced all government schools will be required to use phonics to teach reading from next year. This brings it in line with approaches in New South Wales, Queensland and South Australia.

What makes sustainable consumption so difficult?

While many people want to achieve major long-term goals—such as improving their diet, quitting smoking or adopting a more sustainable lifestyle—they often find it difficult to do so. Is it all down to a lack of self-discipline? ...

When it comes to climate change, what motivates us to act?

Comprehending the scope of climate change can feel like trying to connect an ever-expanding set of dots. Disparate indicators, such as rising global temperatures, retreating glaciers and increasingly severe weather events, ...

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