Space shuttle blasts off, finally flying on try 3

(AP) -- Space shuttle Discovery and seven astronauts blazed into orbit Saturday on a spectacular midnight flight to the international space station, hauling up a treadmill named after a TV funnyman and thousands of pounds ...

In response to Stephen Colbert, professor says 'spice it up'

To provoke more interest and excitement for students and lecturers alike, a professor from Florida Atlantic University's College of Engineering and Computer Science is spicing up the study of complex differential mathematical ...

Joshua Tree spider species named for U2's Bono

It appeared Bono and arachnids didn't mix when his "Spider-Man" musical had a rough Broadway run, but that didn't keep a biologist from naming an actual spider species after the U2 singer.

Satire is shaping the next generation of american citizens

(—Satire has always played an important role in democracy, but acurrent group of television satirists are more influential than ever with American citizens, particularly younger ones, according to a Penn State ...

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