Scientists 3D-print hair follicles in lab-grown skin

A team led by scientists at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute has 3D-printed hair follicles in human skin tissue cultured in the lab. This marks the first time researchers have used the technology to generate hair follicles, ...

Dissecting the structural secrets of the inactive X chromosome

Cell biologists from RIKEN have provided an unprecedented glimpse into the distinctive features of an unusual chromosome—the inactivated X chromosome copy carried by every female cell. The findings are published in the ...

Rewarding women more like men could reduce wage gap

Addressing the shortage of women in STEM-related fields such as computer science is not enough to close the gender gap in both representation and pay: Treating women more like men, especially on pay day, is more important ...

Stem cell research paves way toward regenerating skeletal muscle

Researchers at the Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research at UCLA are one step closer to developing stem cell therapies to regenerate skeletal muscle in humans. Working in mice, the UCLA ...

Molecular scaffold offers new approaches for spinal cord injury

Northwestern Medicine scientists have developed a molecular "scaffold" capable of enhancing electrical activity and growth in neurons, which may prove useful in treating spinal cord injuries, according to recent results published ...

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