Reinventing steelmaking for a green revolution

In a gleaming new building in the northern Swedish town of Lulea, steelmaker SSAB is using a new manufacturing method that could revolutionise the highly-polluting industry by eliminating nearly all its CO2 emissions.

Producing high-tech steel cheaply and efficiently

A new plant for desulfurizing pig iron is reducing the costs of steel production. Developed by Siemens, this innovative process makes it possible to more precisely dose the various desulfurizing agents that are injected into ...

Carbon capture: how does CO2 removal work?

With global temperatures still on the rise, even the most sceptical of scientists agree that carbon dioxide removal (CDR) is crucial to meet the Paris Agreement goal of capping global warming below two degrees Celsius.

Exploring the potential of tall timber buildings

University of Canterbury (UC) engineering doctoral candidate Justin Brown is guiding future timber core-wall design with his research, paving the way for eco-friendly, mid- to high-rise buildings.

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