The aurora borealis can be heard even when it can't be seen

Professor Emeritus Unto K. Laine of Aalto University has made recordings of auroral sounds, showing that the phenomenon is much more common than previously believed and occurs even in the absence of visible northern lights. ...

Unraveling complex systems: The backtracking dynamical cavity method

In physics, a "disordered system" refers to a physical system whose components—e.g., its atoms—are not organized in any discernible way. Like a drawer full of random socks, a disordered system lacks a well-defined, ordered ...

Fish diversity linked to Caribbean coral reef health

The health of coral reefs can be impacted as much by the diversity of fish that graze on them as by the amount of fish that do so, according to a new study by scientists at Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences. In the Science ...

Statistics can dispel global misconceptions, unveil truths

A few minutes before a recent lecture at Paine Hall, global health statistician Hans Rosling stood onstage, head down, and ran through his PowerPoint images. One showed the bespectacled Swede chest-deep in water. The caption ...

New reporter? Call him Al, for algorithm

The new reporter on the US media scene takes no coffee breaks, churns out articles at lightning speed, and has no pension plan.

Statistical physics offers a new way to look at climate

Scientists are using ever more complex models running on ever more powerful computers to simulate the earth's climate. But new research suggests that basic physics could offer a simpler and more meaningful way to model key ...

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