Citizen astronomers and AI discover 30,000 ring galaxies

Building on the synergy between citizen astronomer classifications and AI, astronomers have discovered approximately 400,000 spiral galaxies and 30,000 ring galaxies in data from the Subaru Telescope. This is the first example ...

Academic freedom unevenly distributed: Report

Academic freedom today is not available for 3.6 billion people, or 45.5% of the world's population. After a global peak in academic freedom in 2006, the situation today is comparable to circumstances fifty years ago in 1973.

Can we still trust public opinion polls?

As the dust settles on another Super Tuesday, Americans are watching with bated breath to see how closely the final tallies align with the latest polls.

Climate journalism is strong in hard-hit countries

Climate change has disproportionate impacts globally, and in the most vulnerable and impacted countries, journalists report on the issue in unique and in-depth ways, according to a study published in Environmental Research ...

How nitrogen has been underestimated in lake ecosystems

An ecological imbalance in a lake can usually be attributed to increased nutrient inputs. This results in increased phytoplankton growth, oxygen deficiency, toxic cyanobacterial blooms and fish deaths. Until now, controls ...

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