Astronomers find star fuel surrounding galaxies

Most galaxies, including our own, grow by accumulating new material and turning them into stars—that much is known. What has been unknown is where that new material comes from and how it flows into galaxies to create stars.

Inciting instead of coercing: "Nudges" prove their effectiveness

Developed by the American economist Richard Thaler in the late 2000s, the theory behind "nudging" theory is based on the principle that our choices are not only determined by our ability to reason, but are also influenced ...

Under a moon spell: Shark attacks related to lunar phases

New research from LSU and the University of Florida suggests that more shark attacks occur during fuller phases of the moon. While the exact cause remains unclear, the researchers found that more shark attacks than average ...

Mystery of glowing shrimp deepens

Many deep-sea shrimp glow but researchers have found the light organs in deep-sea shrimp may have evolved depending on depth and habitat.

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