Can we predict if a system will have giant planets?

Prediction is one of the hallmarks of scientific endeavors. Scientists pride themselves on being able to predict physical realities based on inputs. So it should come as no surprise that a team of scientists at Notre Dame ...

Campi Flegrei volcano edges closer to possible eruption

The Campi Flegrei volcano in southern Italy has become weaker and more prone to rupturing, making an eruption more likely, according to a new study by researchers at UCL (University College London) and Italy's National Research ...

How insects track odors by navigating microscale winds

How do flying insects like important pollinators locate odor sources in the great outdoors, despite encountering highly variable wind conditions? They use odor plumes—which travel like smoke and form when the wind blows ...

Researchers investigate the swarming behavior of microrobots

Miniaturization is progressing rapidly in many fields, and the trend toward the creation of ever smaller units is also prevalent in the world of robot technology. In the future, minuscule robots used in medical and pharmaceutical ...

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