Gene transfer from transgenic crops: A more realistic picture

A new data-driven statistical model that incorporates the surrounding landscape in unprecedented detail describes the transfer of an inserted bacterial gene via pollen and seed dispersal in cotton plants more accurately than ...

Computer models predicts path of lost hikers

( -- The next time a Boy Scout is lost in the wilderness, search and rescue teams could have better statistics on their side in deciding where to look.

What makes the giant freak wave 'stable'

The dreaded giant freak wave that can appear on the open sea out of nowhere, can now for the first time be theoretically calculated and modelled. Researchers at Umea University and the Ruhr-Universitat Bochum in Germany have ...

Predicting insurgent attacks with a mathematical model

When bombs and bullets left 37 dead during Friday prayers at a mosque in Pakistan, earlier this month, the insurgency was using the element of surprise. Unpredictability is the hallmark of modern insurgent attacks such as ...

US university coding future of news

Personalized newscasts culled from the Web and presented by digital avatars. Baseball stories written by computers using raw data.

NYU physicists make room for oddballs

( -- Here's a question. How many gumballs of different sizes can fit in one of those containers at the mall so as to reward a well-spent quarter? It's hard to believe that most people never consider it even when ...

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