Untangling a protein's influences

Most proteins have multiple moving parts that rearrange into different conformations to execute particular functions. Such changes may be induced by molecules in the immediate environment, including water and similar solvents ...

Seismic diagrams identify rock-falls

(PhysOrg.com) -- Based on the statistical analysis of 20 rock-falls in the Alps and the seismic signals recorded at the same time, ETH Zurich scientists have developed a new method allowing the volume and extent of a rock-fall ...

CERN and colliding theories

Findings that showed faster-than-light travel were released to the public too soon.

Obama: Our 22nd greatest president?

As if President Barack Obama doesn't already have enough to worry about, a statistical analysis of presidential ranking surveys suggests that he is likely to be viewed as an "average" president by expert evaluators if he ...

Right-to-work laws endanger workers

Right-to-work laws not only hurt labor unions financially, they also may jeopardize worker safety, says a University of Michigan researcher.

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