Giving shoppers a nudge to forgo plastic bags

The opportunity to make a small charitable donation on a store owner's nickel may be just the encouragement shoppers need to forgo toting their goods home in a single-use plastic bag, new research suggests.

Uncovering racial disparities in nonfatal police shootings

An analysis of data from four U.S. states suggests that Black people may be more likely than white people to be nonfatally shot and injured by police in these states, and these disparities are greater than seen for fatal ...

How can lizards adapt to a changing climate?

Researchers at the University of Toronto and Ohio Wesleyan University are collaborating in a quest to find out how lizards can adapt to the world's changing climate.

Study finds link between empathy and care for the environment

A study conducted by a team of researchers fromNanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) has found that Singaporeans who score high levels of empathy choose to prioritize the environment over the convenience ...

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