Understanding what determines the benefits of bribery

Researchers in Hong Kong and the UK have found that a $1 investment in bribery returns $6–9 in terms of company value, with more money paid to an authority resulting in greater benefits. However, those benefits decrease ...

Heat stress to bring big changes to the US corn belt

Climate change will bring new challenges for farmers as growing zones shift, and preparing for these shifts is vital for future food security worldwide. New research from UConn Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering ...

Right-to-work laws endanger workers

Right-to-work laws not only hurt labor unions financially, they also may jeopardize worker safety, says a University of Michigan researcher.

Physicists map the strain in wonder material graphene

This week, an international group of scientists is reporting a breakthrough in the effort to characterize the properties of graphene noninvasively while acquiring information about its response to structural strain.

Mystery of glowing shrimp deepens

Many deep-sea shrimp glow but researchers have found the light organs in deep-sea shrimp may have evolved depending on depth and habitat.

Multicolor super-resolution imaging made easy

Scientists at EPFL have developed robust and easy-to-implement multicolor super-resolution imaging. The approach is based on the simultaneous acquisition of two spectral channels followed by spectral cross-cumulant analysis ...

Untangling a protein's influences

Most proteins have multiple moving parts that rearrange into different conformations to execute particular functions. Such changes may be induced by molecules in the immediate environment, including water and similar solvents ...

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