Italian nurse acquitted of murder after statistical analysis

Italian nurse Daniela Poggiali was arrested and convicted of murdering two hospital patients in 2014. Her case attracted the attention of Leiden statistician Richard Gill. After his investigation, together with an Italian ...

Understanding what determines the benefits of bribery

Researchers in Hong Kong and the UK have found that a $1 investment in bribery returns $6–9 in terms of company value, with more money paid to an authority resulting in greater benefits. However, those benefits decrease ...

Inciting instead of coercing: "Nudges" prove their effectiveness

Developed by the American economist Richard Thaler in the late 2000s, the theory behind "nudging" theory is based on the principle that our choices are not only determined by our ability to reason, but are also influenced ...

Mystery of glowing shrimp deepens

Many deep-sea shrimp glow but researchers have found the light organs in deep-sea shrimp may have evolved depending on depth and habitat.

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