Twinkling stars fuel interstellar dust

Of the many different kinds of stars, asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars, usually slightly larger and older than our own sun, are known producers of interstellar dust.

Webb captures rarely seen prelude to a supernova

A Wolf-Rayet star is a rare prelude to the famous final act of a massive star: the supernova. As one of its first observations in 2022, the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope captured the Wolf-Rayet star WR 124 in unprecedented ...

Image: Hubble's new view of the Tarantula Nebula

A snapshot of the Tarantula Nebula (also known as 30 Doradus) is featured in this image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. The Tarantula Nebula is a large star-forming region of ionized hydrogen gas that lies 161,000 ...

Detecting galactic filaments with machine learning

Star formation in galaxies takes place in filaments composed of gas (mainly hydrogen) and small solid particles called interstellar dust, which is mainly carbon. Depending on the location of these filaments and their physical ...

Webb uncovers star formation in cluster's dusty ribbons

NGC 346, one of the most dynamic star-forming regions in nearby galaxies, is full of mystery. Now, though, it is less mysterious thanks to new findings from the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope.

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