Image: Hubble observes jellyfish galaxy JO206

The jellyfish galaxy JO206 trails across this image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, showcasing a colorful star-forming disk surrounded by a pale, luminous cloud of dust. A handful of foreground bright stars with ...

Eclipses make the sun's gravitational light bending visible

During night-like conditions created during the totality of a solar eclipse, like that of April 8, planets and stars are visible. Venus and Jupiter, bracketing the sun, will be very noticeable, while Mercury will be rather ...

Image: Hubble catches detail of the Large Magellanic Cloud

( —This stunning new Hubble image shows a small part of the Large Magellanic Cloud, one of the closest galaxies to our own. This collection of small baby stars, most weighing less than the sun, form a young stellar ...

Anatomy of a cosmic seagull

Colourful and wispy, this intriguing collection of objects is known as the Seagull Nebula, named for its resemblance to a gull in flight. Made up of dust, hydrogen, helium and traces of heavier elements, this region is the ...

Discovering new worlds with quantitative spectroscopy

Astronomers from the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP) and the Vatican Observatory (VO) teamed up to spectroscopically survey more than 1,000 bright stars that potentially host exoplanets.

CHEOPS opens its eye to the sky

Since the launch of CHEOPS on 18 December 2019, the project has progressed smoothly and successfully through its planned operations and test activities.

Sweeping the dust from a cosmic lobster

(—A new image from ESO's VISTA telescope captures a celestial landscape of glowing clouds of gas and tendrils of dust surrounding hot young stars. This infrared view reveals the stellar nursery known as NGC 6357 ...

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