Studying muonium to reveal new physics beyond the Standard Model

By studying an exotic atom called muonium, researchers are hoping misbehaving muons will spill the beans on the Standard Model of particle physics. To make muonium, they use the most intense continuous beam of low energy ...

Searching for new particles using quantum sensors

In a recent study published in the journal National Science Review, a laboratory search for exotic spin-dependent interactions was conducted with an ensemble-NV-diamond magnetometer. New experimental constraints on two types ...

Wages trump safety standards for global apparel workers

Factory workers in apparel supply chains are more likely to quit due to wage and benefit violations, relative to violations of other code provisions, such as environment protection and safety standards, according to new ILR ...

Researchers collaborate to better understand the weak nuclear force

The weak nuclear force is currently not entirely understood, despite being one of the four fundamental forces of nature. In a pair of Physical Review Letters articles, a multi-institutional team, including theorists and experimentalists ...

New analysis takes a closer look at the sterile neutrino

A new result from the MicroBooNE experiment at the U.S. Department of Energy's Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory probes the Standard Model—scientists' best theory of how the universe works. The model assumes there are ...

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