Particle physics -- why does it matter?

Scientists reported yesterday the discovery of a particle that is very likely the Higgs boson, a subatomic particle that gives other particles mass—and makes life possible. Theorized in the 1960s and sometimes called ...

Putting quarks on a virtual scale

For the last several years, much of the attention in particle physics has focused on the Higgs Boson, so one could be forgiven thinking that the rest of the subatomic particle world has been figured out. In reality, however, ...

New measurement of electron–quark scattering

From matching wings on butterflies to the repeating six-point pattern of snowflakes, symmetries echo through nature, even down to the smallest building blocks of matter. Since the discovery of quarks, the building blocks ...

LHC experiments join forces to zoom in on the Higgs boson

Today during the 50th session of "Rencontres de Moriond" in La Thuile Italy, ATLAS and CMS presented for the first time a combination of their results on the mass of the Higgs boson. The combined mass of the Higgs boson is ...

The origins of a torus in a galactic nucleus

( -- Quasars are among the most energetic objects in the universe, with some of them as luminous as ten thousand Milky Way galaxies. Quasars are thought to have massive black holes at their cores, and astronomers ...

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