Addressing food insecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic

In response to the rapid spread of COVID‐19, governments around the globe implemented local lockdowns that led to increased unemployment and disrupted local and international transport routes and supply chains. Whilst such ...

Exploring the psychology of welfare politics

Recent political history has shown that United States conservative leaders tend to vote against the expansion of federal welfare, or social safety net, programs. But are conservative-leaning citizens less likely than their ...

Children with access to SNAP fare better as adults

Children whose families have access to food assistance get more education, live longer and are less likely to rely on public assistance or be incarcerated as they grow up, according to a University of Michigan-led study.

Report finds discrimination driving disparities in food insecurity

Lifetime experiences of racial and ethnic discrimination are strongly linked to food insecurity in Philadelphia, says a new series of reports released today from researchers at Drexel University's Center for Hunger Free Communities ...

Miniature technology, big hope for disease detection

The field of medicine is always on the lookout for better disease diagnostic tools—simpler, faster, and cheaper technologies to enhance patient treatment and outcomes. Currently, microfluidic bioassay devices are the preferred ...

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