Ocean energy: EU leads in technology development and deployment

New technologies in the last decade have shown slow but steady progress of ocean and sea energy power: about 30 tidal and 45 wave energy companies are currently at an advanced stage of technological development worldwide, ...

Russian spacecraft delivers 3 to orbiting station

A Soyuz spacecraft safely delivered a Russian, an American and a Dutchman to the International Space Station on Friday, restoring the permanent crew to six members for the first time since September.

Low oxygen triggers moth molt

A new explanation for one of nature's most mysterious processes, the transformation of caterpillars into moths or butterflies, might best be described as breathless.

GOCE gravity satellite moves to launch pad

(PhysOrg.com) -- With liftoff just five days away, ESA's GOCE spacecraft - encased in the protective half-shells of the launcher fairing - has been transported from the cleanroom and installed in the launch tower at the Plesetsk ...

A new shortcut for stem cell programming

Scientists at the Life and Brain Research Center at the University of Bonn, Germany, have succeeded in directly generating brain stem cells from the connective tissue cells of mice.

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