Research shows Wal-Mart could beat Best Buy in electronics sales

( -- Initial results of new research from Rice University indicate that, among physical retailers, Wal-Mart will be the top seller of electronics this holiday season, besting consumer-electronics giant Best Buy. ...

A micro-lab on a chip detects blood type within minutes

Blood transfusion, if performed promptly, is a potentially life-saving intervention for someone losing a lot of blood. However, blood comes in several types, some of which are incompatible with others. Transfusing an incompatible ...

Intelligent bed on the way to the marketplace

At the end of May 2011, two "business angels" and a banking institute invested one million Swiss francs in Michael Sauter's company "compliant concept". The successful end to this first round of financing is a milestone for ...

Imposing 'meaningful work' leads to staff burnout

Strategies to boost staff performance and morale by manipulating our desire for meaningful work often achieve the opposite - damaging organisations and alienating employees – a new study suggests.

Apple phones still sold in China despite ban

Apple stores in China continued with business as usual Tuesday despite a court-ordered ban on iPhone sales, but the US tech giant faces a growing nationalist backlash over the US-sought arrest of a Huawei executive.

How to cut queues at immigration – with maths

When going on holiday to a foreign country, there's one part of the journey that everybody dreads: border control. Everyone has to have their passport checked by an immigration official when entering a new country – and ...

Customer service is an emotional experience

You can probably recall a customer service experience that left you feeling good. A recent study has shown not only that positive emotion from sales staff is contagious to a customer, but that a satisfied customer also improves ...

Teacher well-being not a priority in schools, experts warn

Against a backdrop of funding shortages and recruitment issues across the education sector, two education experts argue that equipping leaders with more soft skills will improve mental health and well-being in school staff.

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