Organic solar cells that last 10 years in space

Scientists from the Skoltech Center for Energy Science and Technology, the Institute for Problems of Chemical Physics of RAS, and the Department of Chemistry of MSU have presented solar cells based on conjugated polymers ...

The microstructure of paracetamol

Infrared (IR) microspectroscopy at the Australian Synchrotron provided insights into the molecular orientation inside the microstructure of a particular form of paracetamol (form II), which contributed to better water solubility ...

Cryptocurrencies need close scrutiny, monitor warns

An international financial monitor warned world leaders Tuesday that wider use by retail shoppers of cryptocurrencies like Libra, unveiled last week by Facebook, would need "close scrutiny" by regulators.

Hydrogen-natural gas hydrates harvested by natural gas

A hydrogen-natural gas blend (HNGB) can be a game changer only if it can be stored safely and used as a sustainable clean energy resource. A recent study has suggested a new strategy for stably storing hydrogen, using natural ...

Jam-packed: A novel microscopic approach to amorphous solids

A team led by The University of Tokyo developed a new method for understanding the structural organization of disordered collections of soft discs or spheres using a new approach: putting a focus on local mechanical properties ...

How 'doping' boosts next-gen solar cells towards commercialisation

An international team of researchers has brought a new generation of solar cells a step closer to commercialisation, by showing how sunlight can trigger a 'healing process' in the cells to improve their efficiency and stability.

Stable housing in infancy nets lifelong benefits

Housing stability in the first thousand days of a child's development has a potential economic benefit of $3 billion annually, new research from PwC and the Strong Foundations collaboration has found.

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