A new quantum component made from graphene

Less than 20 years ago, Konstantin Novoselov and Andre Geim first created two-dimensional crystals consisting of just one layer of carbon atoms. Known as graphene, this material has had quite a career since then.

New insight into the hunting patterns of ancient cephalopods

The Jurassic cephalopod Vampyronassa rhodanica, thought to be the oldest known ancestor of the modern-day vampire squid (Vampyroteuthis infernalis), was likely an active hunter—a mode of life that is in contrast with its ...

Squid recorded color-matching a substrate for the first time

While octopus and cuttlefish are famous for their use of camouflage to match the color of the substrate, squid have never been reported displaying this ability. Now, in a study published in Scientific Reports, scientists ...

Researchers investigate squid found far from home

As the name implies, California market squid are often sold in stores and typically found between Baja California and Monterey Bay. So, the squid's periodic appearance in the Gulf of Alaska—about 1,200 kilometers (745 miles) ...

Deepest-dwelling squid observed at depth of 6,200 meters

A pair of researchers, one with the University of Western Australia, the other NOAA National Systematics Laboratory, has recorded on video a young bigfin squid swimming just above the seafloor at an approximate depth of 6,200 ...

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